
Monday, September 16, 2013


This last week was another crazy one. Life doesn't really ever slow down for us, but then when we have free time, we feel lost because it's so rare. We love it though!...this crazy life of ours. 

Monday, Camden and I attended the Utah State Fair with my parents, and my step brothers family.  You can read more about that in my previous post. It was a lot of fun! And we decided next year we'll have to go in the evening so John can join us. He wasn't exactly happy he missed Camden's first ride on a miniature horse. 

This week was also spent adding the finishing touches to our house for fall. I tell ya...I have been a craft master lately. Its my sanity...it keeps me sane and I really enjoy it. The best part...most of my decor was free! Tree branches, corn stalks, free printables from pinterest...I LOVE free stuff! I also LOVE burlap! It will definitely be a part of our Christmas decor as well. Camden has about had it with me and refuses to make another trip to Hobby Lobby. I usually have to bribe him with some snacks or something really fun in the store to "hold" for me.

 I feel like this is a repeat from last week, but we FINALLY finished our yard projects before Fall arrives. We got our curbing put in and of course it decided to pour rain after. John and I were soaked from standing out in the rain and throwing garbage bags over the concrete. We also planted some more bushes and trees. I am kinda glad we will get a break from yard work for the fall and winter. :) It's been taking over our weekends and nights lately. Welcome to home ownership!

 Camden had a great week. I mean how couldn't he...he hung out side with us while we did work on the yard, played and made messes, and loved having dad home from work on Thursday. We like when dad takes time off, especially momma :) This means I can take a shower whenever I want!

We also celebrated Uncle Brandon's birthday this week. ( no pictures) We had a dinner, and of course cake and ice cream! Happy 28th birthday Uncle Brandon. We love you!

 We got to try out Camden's new ride a lot this week. The weather was FABULOUS! There were a lot of rain showers, but after they would pass we would throw on our jackets and head outside and enjoy the nice cool air. Now every time we go in the garage, he will look for his cool new ride.


Saturday consisted of another shower...a bridal shower and a rain shower. John's cousin Jenny is getting married next month, so I offered up our house for the shower and all the aunts did the rest. It was a beautiful shower and Jenny got a lot of great gifts!  Here is my gift...a basket of kitchen gadgets and cookies supplies. Topped off with a recipe for love and some great weekly meal plan sheets. I also took the time to print these off for myself in hopes that I can be better at planning meals. So far so good :)

And I decided to make another chalkboard! I am getting my practice in before Camden's birthday. 

Sunday we were lazy...we attended Stake Conference. John wanted "Fall comfort food" for dinner, so he had turkey and mashed potatoes and I had salad and soup. Then we put Camden to bed a watched Miss America and enjoyed a little us time.

Here's to another great week! 

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