
Friday, September 20, 2013

Camden {10} Months!

{10} months...WHA!!!! Is it just me or does {10} months seem so much older than nine? Maybe it's because there are no more single digit months. I'm totally in denial! I even went and got him out of bed a couple of times this past month to cuddle. He probably thought I was crazy for getting him out of bed at 11:30 at night, but it was worth it! I might also be in denial because I can officially shop for Camden in the "toddler" section at Baby Gap! And though this opens up a whole new possibility of clothes for me to buy him, I'm totally bummed that he is growing up so fast.This past month has been super hard for me to except that he is becoming a "big" boy and and that in just a short amount of time I will have a ONE year old. Crazy I tell ya...but man oh man we sure love him and all the funny and new things he does everyday. He's got the biggest personality and when he knows the attention is on him he puts on the biggest show ever!

 {Height and Weight}

 We have officially broke out the 12-18 month clothes. He still fits in most of his 6-12 month clothes, but with the weather getting colder, the summer clothes will need to be packed away soon.I just love this kid in some cute sweats and a hoodie. It makes him look every more squishy and yummy...if that's even possible :)

We finally got him some Baby Toms and I LOVE THEM. He literally wears them with everything and we finally found some shoes to work with his fat feet. I plan on stocking up on these for sure. He is currently wearing a size 4, but we all know how fast their little feet grow. Camden has also moved up to a size 4 in diapers. We have been loving Huggies slip on diapers for him. They are a little bit more money, but with this wiggle worm and how much he hates to get dressed and changed, they are easy to slip on and go.  They'll defintiely be a lifesaver for Disneyland and the best part is they come in small sizes from 2 and up. I wish I would have known about these sooner!

We've noticed Camden has started to thin out a bit since he has become more mobile. He still a little chunk, but did you know he actually has a neck!? ha ha Yes we are finally able to see it :)

Not so much in this picture...but I promise it's there!


No sicknesses for us this past month! Even with cutting teeth (yes, he got his second tooth A.K.A Can Opener). His ears have been bugging him a bit, but luckily it hasn't been anything too serious. Oh how grateful we are for a healthy baby boy!


I really do hate to brag...but my child sleeps so great! Don't worry, we do have rough nights and it wasn't all that great at the beginning, but now he spoils us! He is still going down around 8:30pm, waking up at about 6:00am for a bottle, and going back down until about 9:00am. Even if we do have a couple of rough nights here and there, I have no room to complain.

Naps are still random during the day. Sometimes he takes one and sometimes he needs two. His naps are usually 2 hours, sometimes three! I love that he loves sleep...he takes after his mom :) and he's so busy he needs those naps to re-energize! He has even been taking naps while in the car! We've come a long way with napping and liking the car so this is a big deal.


Camden LOVES food! He is such a great eater and will eat anything you give him. I know this might not always be the case, so we are taking full advantage of it now. We introduced meats to him this past month and he was in heaven. His pediatrician recommended pulled pork from Cafe Rio and though it is sooo messy, it's his favorite. He even makes "yum yum" noises when he eats it.He has also had shredded chicken and really he likes anything we are eating, just cut up in small chunks.

Only two more months of formula and then we can introduce cows milk. I'm not going to lie, it will be nice to give Camden cows milk because formula is expensive! We have been introducing the sippy cup more as well because his pediatrician recommended taking away the bottle when we introduce cows milk and just using the sippy cups. We are crossing our fingers that there will be a smooth transition.

Some new/old likes this past month...
  • Camden loves to walk along all the furniture
  • He loves remotes! This hasn't changed...
  • Camden loves to pull all the dvd cases out of the cabinet
  • He loves his daddy so much and looks forward to seeing him everyday he gets home from work.
  • Camden loves cars toys. He'll push them around for hours it seems.
  • He loves to throw things on the ground...sometimes this isn't a good thing
  • Camden loves his new little push around car we got him to ride in outside.
  • He loves Charlie...and really all dogs
  • He loves otter pops
  • He loves to pull books off his bookshelf
  • Camden loves to get into cabinets...which is why they now have safeties on them :)
  • He loves playing and watching other kids

 dislikes this past month... 

There really aren't any new dislikes this past month...just the same old stuff like, getting dressed, getting his diaper changed, the word "no", yada yada, yada

{Firsts/ Holidays/ Etc.)
  •  Camden now stands for minutes by himself
  • He got to meet his cousin Jacee for the first time
  • He tried meat for the first time
  • Camden picked his very first Halloween pumpkin from G&G Huston's garden
  • He ate dirt for the first time...YUCKY!
  • He went to the Utah State Fair for the first time and rode his very first horse. 
  • He got his second tooth on the bottom...we call them the can openers!
  • Camden has now started to say DAD instead of dada. I think it's safe to say that is his first word besides they typical dada, mama, baba.

Camden, did you know your dad and I think you're the cutest thing ever?! You have the biggest personality and really I don't want to pick favorites, but {10} months sure is fun. You are interacting so much with everyone and really learning so much everyday. You love to flirt with the cashiers at all the stores mom makes you go to. You'll usually wave bye-bye and smile HUGE when we leave. The ladies love you! And really...I don't blame them. We have so much fun together, you and I. I am so grateful I get to be your mom. I have had a rough time with you growing up this past month. Your dad can tell because all I want to do every night is pull you out of bed to cuddle. We can't get enough of your sweet hugs and kisses. I always imagined being a mom would be great, but you have exceeded my expectations times a million. I love watching the bond you and dad have. You two are so much alike. He loves you so much and would do anything for our little family. Keep growing, keep learning and remember how much you are loved. 
Happy {10} months little boy!


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