
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

9 weeks

Today I am exactly 9 weeks. Time is actually moving along quicker than I had imagined. Some days seem long, but if I look back to when we found out we were expecting again, than it seems to have gone by quicker than expected.
The past two weeks have had its good and bad days. I hate to admit it because I don't take a lot of medicine,  but Zofran has been my life saver! Especially when chasing an almost one year old around all day. I am learning to take better care of us. Even if we are in our jammies when John gets home from work :) at least we are surviving. Oh how grateful I am that I get to stay home! I'm not sure how I'd get through this otherwise :)
I had my first appointment this last week at eight weeks. And since I wasnt far enough along to hear a heartbeat on the doppler, I got an ultrasound. Baby was strong with a heartbeat of 164!   I also found out my scale at home is off...I've gained some weight and am currently weighing 126. That means I can gain 20 to be where I was at with Camden :) I have a feeling ill be over that! The joys...
Sleep has been good these last couple of weeks and I'm going to say its because of the Zofran. It usually stays in my system for 24 hours,  so I am usually sick when I get up in the morning. I have had some rough nights,  but the good out-weigh the bad. I have still been taking naps when Camden naps and going to bed around nine after he lays down at night. I've been pretty exhausted! 
I'm still missing my energy, patience, and appetite :) this is just a phase though and soon enough these things will come back.
I don't have much of an appetite still, but the zofran has at least allowed me to eat some kind of food. I actually prefer fruits and sweet things this pregnancy over other types of food. I do crave water a lot though...there is nothing better right now than the coldest cup of water and ice.
I have already been having some stretching pains, especially on my right side. At our appointment they checked me for a cyst because the pain has been unbearable sometimes,  but they didn't find anything.  I've also had constipation (tmi) exhaustion and morning sickness. That about sums up my symptoms right now. Oh and don't forget my emotions have been all over the place. We've been listening to Christmas music lately,  and I've been crying a lot lately!  ;)
My next appointment is on Camden's birthday. I'll be about 11 weeks and I can't wait!
Here's to another week and a good one I hope!

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