
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Camden's 1st Birthday Bash- Decorations

Remember how I had been planning Camden's birthday for like the last three months!? You would think I'd know what time is was at right!? Well...here is a funny story...

Friday night John and I set everything up for the party, even though it wasn't until Saturday evening. We didn't want to feel rushed getting things ready at the last minute. So luckily everything was done, you know except setting the food and biryhday goodies out. 

Saturday morning was great! We went to Ihop for breakfast, ran some errands, and hung out at home. Really the day was so relaxing! I had tried to plan Camden's naps so he would take one in the morning at one around four before everyone showed up at six for his party. The first nap was a success...second...not so much. Camden did not want to take a nap and fought every second of it. We usually have him put himself to sleep, but I has to take matters into my own hands. I went in his room, rocked him in chair (anyone try to rock a screaming upset almost one year ols squirming little boy before?!) Finally he gave up the fight and fell asleep right in my arms. It. Was. Heaven. I enjoyed just looking at him ansd admiring the cute little boy that our heavenly father sent to us. I really won't ever forget that moment.  

After snuggling with Camden for some time, I laid him in his crib and thought I better finish getting ready. Oh how htnankfu I was that my hair was already done...because with in five minutes my doorbell rang. It was my in-laws. John and I both wondered...what are they doing here an hour anf 15 minutes early? Much to our surprise, they were only 15 minutes early.  Yep! The invitation (that we made) said 5-7. For weeks I had myself and John convinced that Camden's birthday was at six! I started to panic! John quickly set out the cake, cupcakes, drinks, and all the finishing touches. I threw make-up on my face faster than ever before.  I called papa John's and requestedrequested order as soon as rhey could have it ready. 

Now can you imagine my fear of waking my child up, the one who wouldn't go to bed, the one whose birthday we were celebrating?! We decided it was best for me to go get the pizza before anyone else showed up and we would wake the birthday boy when I got back. 

All the way to papa John's I cried and laughed at myself. How could I seriously not know what time my own sons party was at? Could my pregnancy brain already be this bad? By the time I got home, some more family had shown up, some were running late because of snow (never been so grateful for late people). Camden wasn't too happy to wake up from hisnap, but that quickly cchanged.  He wasn't onry at all and had the time of his life (at least I like to think so) He won't remember all the hard work John and I put into his birthday party, but one day he'll look back at pictures and know how much we love him. 

So...here are some pics of the decor from Camden's birthday.  More pictures to come soon! 

Everyone got a personalized mug with a mustache on it. Inside was hot cocoa and a chocolate mustache stirring stick. 

For dinner was pizza and salad. Instead of leaving the pizzas in a box we decided to create a pizza bar. 

cupcakes were served to everyone for dessert. Along with waffle cone ice cream bowls with all the toppings. 

stay tuned for pictures from Camden's birthday bash!  

1 comment:

  1. Super cute decorations and details Randi!

    How do you make the chalkboard signs? I love them!
