
Monday, October 7, 2013

Pumpkins and Conference Weekend

This last week started with a visit to the Pumpkin Patch! John's parents have always grown pumpkins in their backyard, so you can imagine my excitement when I realized John had never been to a pumpkin patch either.

 Camden loved it! He wanted to touch all the pumpkins and loved getting to ride on the tractor. We took so many adorable pictures of Camden and us. So many, they will need their own post. Stay tuned!

Camden was tired after out little adventure and crashed when we got home. I love my sleepy baby and it takes everything out of me to not get him out of his crib and cuddle!

The next day we went to the mall...I live there I tell ya. Especially around picture time. With Camden's 1 year photos and our family photos being back to back next week, I am stressing out! We also go to the mall a lot to get out of the house. I love having lunch dates with my babe...there isn't anything much better :)

Friday, John and I met up with our friends and went to John and Steve's mission reunions. The senior couples, and John's mission president hadn't met Camden yet because I was still pregnant last October and since they were all in town, we thought it would be the perfect time. 

After we visited for a bit, we rushed over to City Creek as fast as we could to meet Ann and Mitt Romney, yes the man who should have been president and the woman who should have been first lady :) Ann Romney released a new Cookbook about her family and was doing a book signing. You can imagine how surprised we were when Mitt Romney was there too! They didn't advertise that... and what a lovely surprise it was. Especially for my husband who is his biggest fan! I am so glad we got to shake hands with these two wonderful people. They truly are inspirational. Also did you you know that their cookbook is a #1 best seller on amazon!? I plan on making every recipe in there :)...someday.

 Saturday was the start of conference weekend. John and I worked on a lot of Camden's birthday stuff Camden tore the house a part. It is definitely harder to watch conference with Mr. Curiosity. Sunday was more conference watching and some great talks might I add. One of my favorite quotes and talks always comes from President Uchtdorf.

Sunday, my awesome family came over for dinner. We ate tons of food, talked, and John, Mason, and Brooke attempted a puzzle (until the kids gave up and left John to finish it on his own). I got my Jacee fix and Camden had fun playing with his cousins. I love my family and it was a great end to our week. 

Camden and Jacee, hanging out.  

 Sweet, baby girl...growing up so fast!

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