
Friday, December 13, 2013

14 weeks!

I am 14w3d today. It feels so good to have made it this far considering the rough beginning, but I can finally see the light and even though I am still feeling a little sick here and there, its not as bad as it was a couple of weeks ago.

This next week the doc should be able to tell us what baby #2 is, but we won't be finding out until Christmas morning. John and I decided that it would be the greatest gift for our little family to open a present Christmas morning telling us what we are having. I couldn't agree more!  And though it'll be so difficult and tempting for me to open the gift early,  I know the surprise will be even greater!

 I'm not sure how much or even if I have put on any weight at this point. Its been a little bit since I have weighed myself. I'll have a better idea at my doctor's appointment next week.

I am still wearing normal clothes, but have purchased some maternity items. While in Disneyland last week, my pants were going to bust at the seams. It could have been all the food I consumed though :) I am loving leggings and anything cozy like that that I can lounge around in at home.

My belly button is starting to take a weird shape and look to it. You can definitely tell baby is growing on the outside now. I am hoping just like with Camden,  that I won't get any stretch marks.

Like I said, this week I have felt much better than past weeks. I am still sick if I don't get something in my stomach immediately when I get out of bed. I have been craving pine nuts...you know the ones in shells that you bake in the oven. No where has them! Its killing me. Besides those, that's about the only thing I am craving. Food is starting to sound better, but my appetite still isn't back to normal. Hopefully soon :)

I had a horrible pain in my lower back and butt from about 10- 13 weeks. It shot down my legs and ankles, so I am guessing it was my sciatic nerve. I had it with Camden, but much later in my pregnancy. I am so happy to report that it hardly bugged me in Disneyland and I haven't had it for the last couple of days. I'm hoping that symptom is gone for the next little while. Some other symptoms I have had is exhaustion (still) and acne...on my chin! Its like a teenage breakout! 

 Best moments these past couple of weeks is a healthy baby at our 10 week appointment, a great thanksgiving with my family,  getting things ready for the holidays, and taking Camden to Disneyland.  I think I may be able to convince my parents and husband to go next December.  We'll have a six month old and a 2 year old, but it'd sure be fun. :)

I'm not really missing much right now except sleeping on my back and tummy. Both are a tad bit uncomfortable right now because things are growing. Time for the pregnancy pillow again! Other than that sleep has been pretty good. I am grateful for a baby boy that sleeps through the night and goes down at 8:30 so if I am tired I can go to bed early.

 I haven't felt any movement yet, but really I'm not expecting it for another month or so. It took forever for me to feel Camden. I really can't wait for that day though!

We are looking forward to our next appointment on December 18. I'll be exactly 15 weeks! And of course we are also looking forward to Christmas and finding out what baby #2 is.


  1. It is fun to read all of this. Does it feel weird to be doing it all again? I keep trying to picture what it will feel like next time. So new but familiar. Does it feel like it's going faster or the same? So exciting!

    1. Chelsea,
      It feels sooo weird doing weekly bump updates again. And sooner than we thought, so I think that makes it feel even more weird. This pregnancy feels like it is going a lot faster for me. I think that is because I've got Camden to keep me busy. When we were waiting for him it was all we thought about. This time there are a million other things going on :) There have been a ton of similarities with this pregnancy, but a lot of different things too! I have no motherly instinct at all what baby #2 is. We are super excited to find out. Check back around Christmas! Also, do you have Instagram?
