
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Camden {9} Months Old

This is probably the hardest update to write (thus far). I'm not sure why...maybe it's because this past month Camden has grown and changed so much! I may or may not be crying as I write this :( We love watching Camden learn new things and grow and interact with us, but oh my I sure miss my little baby boy. As you can tell from his {9} month photos, he doesn't hold still much anymore. In fact to get him to hold still, you usually have to bribe him with something really cool...like your car keys, a treat, or some random item that he thinks is great ha ha :) He also decided the sticker on his shirt was overrated. After I was done taking pictures it was ripped into a million pieces and all over the floor! We won't be re-using these I guess.

{Height and Weight}

Camden's {9} Month Stats
  • Height: 29 inches/
  • Weight: 21lbs/
  • Head Circumference:19in/
 Camden is currently wearing 6-12 and 9-12 month clothes. These are all summer clothes and they are starting to get small. I am trying to hold off buying anything else for summer because Fall is just around the corner. This past month we went and bought him a bunch of new church clothes (12-18 months) and we have been purchasing fall and winter clothes since last season (12-18), so we are pretty much set, just waiting for the weather to change. 
We are still struggling in the shoe department, but I think I am just going to have to splurg and buy him some baby Toms. He is currently wearing a size 4. We laugh at his big toe all the time, because if it wasn't so long, he would probably fit in smaller shoes. We have hopes he'll grow into though.  He is also still wearing a size 3 in diapers. I thought he would have grown out of that size by now, but the 4's were still a little too big for him.


Just before Camden turned {9} months, we (as in all three of us) got the dreadful summer cold  that had been going around! Luckily it only hung around for two days, but we did have to miss the Bear Lake family reunion. I blame it on the teeth :)


We had a few good weeks of sleep this past month and a few rough spots. Camden finally had a tooth break through, so for a week sleep was hard. It was like having a newborn again. He was up tossing and turning all night long. The rest of the month he has slept his normal 12 hours a night! He is such a good sleeper and we are so grateful for that. He definitely spoils us :)

Naps have changed a bit this past month. He can't decide if he needs two naps a day or one long one. If he doesn't take a nap around 11:00, he'll usually take a longer nap in the afternoon for about two- three hours. The kid likes his sleep and it's great for mom too because I can get a lot of things done in that time. He is still going down at about 8:30pm, waking up for a feeding anytime between 5:00- 7:00am, and going back down until about 9:00am. He still hangs out a ton in his crib before he falls asleep and has been standing up in his crib yelling "DA" when it's bedtime. I think it's because he knows dad is a push over :) It's the cutest thing ever.

Still our favorite thing to do is sneak in his room in the morning when he wakes up, the smiles we get are THE BEST! Plus he is still so snuggly in the mornings.


Camden loves food! This past month he decided it's much cooler to feed himself then for mom to do it. We bought him a sippy cup and it wasn't too long after that he wanted to hold his own bottle. We also set him in his high chair and let him go to town on his food pouches, or really anything we eat chopped up into small enough pieces. he has even been eating fresh banana's and loves them! There really isn't anything he doesn't like! We've cut back a little on bottle feedings, and have tried to give him more juice and water with his solids. His pediatrician said once he hits one year old he can have whole milk and to ditch the bottle and stick with a sippy cup. AH! He's growing up so fast!

He loves otter pops at grandma and grandpa's and will basically suck all the juice out and leave the rest. He also learned this month to drink out of a straw. The first time he did this he was in complete shock and couldn't believe what happened. He would drink and then gasp in amazement. Now every time he see's a straw hew knows exactly what to do.

Some new/old likes this past month...
  • Camden likes to play by and under the in table in our living room...scares mom and dad because of the corners, but there is no way of keeping him from over there.
  • He loves remotes! Soon he'll be picking his own channels to watch
  • He loves Baby Einstein videos
  • He loves to be naked
  • He still can't get enough of the dog food. He's getting better at listening to us when we say no, but i'm not going to lie and say he didn't eat any this past month
  • He likes to drop and feed Charlie food
  • Camden loves to be thrown in the air by dad
  • He loves to go outside and look for airplanes. He'll even point up in the sky and say "EWWWW"
  • He loves to stand up next to furniture. in fact it's very rare this little boy sits anymore.

Some new/old dislikes this past month...
  • Camden still hates to hold still when getting a diaper on or getting changed...he's got places to go and people to see :)
  • He dislikes getting his face wiped off, especially when he has a cold!
  • Camden doesn't like hats anymore. He'll pull them right off once he realized there is something there.
  • He's not a fan of loud noises and cheering

{Firsts/ Holidays/ Etc.)
  •  Camden celebrated his first 24th of July/ Pioneer Day
  • He started standing by himself
  • He learned to clap his hands
  • He has said "DADDY" and couple of times
  • Camden finally got a big boy carseat. He finally seems to be enjoying car rides a lot more. 
  • Learned to hold his bottle on his own.

Well buddy, another month has gone and passed. I look at you everyday and still can't believe how fast nine months has gone. I am amazed by how fast you learn things and how smart my little boy is. Your pediatrician said you are definitely ahead in most categories and right on in others. You are such a beautiful baby boy and mom and dad love you so much! You are the best and biggest blessing we could ever ask for and we feel so honored to be your parents. Your personality is just beaming all the time. You are such a happy baby that likes to smile all the time, even at complete strangers. You're not shy at all! I think you've got moms personality, but dads smarts :) 

We think you'll be walking soon! You love to explore and man we have to keep a close eye on you! I have a feeling as soon as you discover those kitchen cabinets can open, you'll be into everything. We definitely have a lot more baby proofing to do. Happy {9} months baby boy!


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