On November 18th, my not so baby boy turned 2! I have no idea where this last year has gone, but I love the little man he has turned in to. Camden is such a busy body and has been since the minute he was born. I feel like this kid in constantly on the go and has a real love for life. I have enjoyed looking at the little things that bring him excitement everyday and enjoying life through his eyes.
Camden has a real love for cars, shovel trucks, and Trains. He is ALL BOY don't you think! He points out every bus, truck, train, shovel truck, etc. when we are driving in the car. He'll usually yell out "Mama, See it!" It's my favorite thing :) He can count to ten, tell you every animal noise, and knows so many words we can't keep count anymore.
His favorite movies right now are Peter Pan and Polar Express. He LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and every single character in the show. He loves going on walks and really enjoys reading books.
Camden is still the world's best sleeper! We moved him into a big boy bed at about 19 months and it didn't even phase him. In fact I think he prefers it over his crib. He is also still taking a nap most days.
Camden still loves his food. The only thing that has really changed with his eating habits is his love for veggies. He will still eat them, but they aren't his favorite anymore. He would eat fruit all day every day if he had his choice. He also enjoys sauce with everything! And will ask for fruit snacks a million times a day ( thank goodness mom isn't a push over).
We decided to have a vintage cars theme for Camden this year. Mom mother-in-law and cute gal in my mom's neighborhood made the cute cookies, cupcakes, and Camden's cake.
We had Jimmy John's Sandwiches pickles, and chips for lunch in the cutest car lunchboxes.
Camden was spoiled with gifts! He got to go do a build a bear the week of his birthday. He got books, building blocks, pajamas, a toddler BBQ grill, shovel trucks, and hot wheels.
Camden had been practicing for weeks to blow out that birthday candle and he did great!
Happy 2 years old my baby boy. Let the fun ( and tantrums) begin ;)